Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to comply with the Data Protection Act of 2018, and in my role as a hypnotherapist, counsellor and EFT Practitioner I process information including your name and contact details and at times brief session notes which are anonymised and kept separately from your contact details.
All paper information will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in a locked room. All Information will be destroyed after Seven years in accordance with ICO guidelines. I am an ICO data controller and an accredited member of both the Hypnotherapy Society and National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society. Your contact details will only be accessed by my clinical supervisor for you to be informed in the event of an absolute emergency. Access to this data would otherwise only be granted if obliged to by law. I will not forward data to third parties, unless for onward referral or continuity of care and upon your request. The purpose of holding this data is to provide continuity and professionalism for all Clients.
You have certain rights in relation to this data including: the right to withdraw consent; the right to access; the right to erasure of data; and the right to ensure that the personal data I hold is accurate and up to date. You can find a full list of your rights at www.ico.org.uk under Your data matters/ Your rights.